Themed Residential Communities (TRC) promote the academic and personal development of the students living in the selected community by allowing students with common interests to live together in a supportive environment. TRC serves as a significant educational resource for each participating student. The program aims to educate members on their special interests and to provide a welcoming environment to discuss issues.
If you are interested in being considered for any of these TRC groups, you'll be able to select your preference during the housing application process.
The Bold Scholars Program is a four-year program providing support, resources, and community to help students engage early in the university experience, build their network, and participate in career-focused experiential learning across their four-year course of study at UTSA.
The College of Sciences (COS) believes that your residential experience plays a large role as you begin to discover your Science Identity here at UTSA. Our community is designed to engage you with like-minded peers within your major and other COS majors, allowing you to be part of a premier STEM community. You will engage with COS Faculty, be paired with COS Peer Mentors, and have access to specialized events within Alvarez Hall. You will have opportunities to be in additional COS Interests Groups designed around courses and experiential learning that will allow you access to research opportunities, internships, and leadership roles. Living here, you will build the foundation to become a leader among the science community within and beyond UTSA!
Students in the First-Gen Living & Learning Community learn all about UTSA resources, and will be part of the UTSA First to Go & Graduate (F2G&G) program. This community (also known as a "familia") has dedicated first-gen faculty coaches, first-gen peer mentors, and the other first-gen residents that are at the core of the familia! Not sure if you're first-gen? UTSA considers anyone whose parent(s) or guardian(s) has not earned a four-year bachelor's degree to be a first-generation college student.
The Engineering FIG is a group of students who live together in Guadalupe Hall along with first-year Honors College students. Students are co-enrolled in the same sections of Calculus I, General Chemistry, and EPICS (Engineering Projects in Community Service). An upper division engineering student serves as the Peer Mentor for the community and arranges programs and study sessions to enhance your social and academic experience at UTSA. All students accepted into the FIG will be considered part of the Engineering Honors program which provides benefits such as early registration. Engineering FIG students are not required to take special Honors course sections or meet other Honors College requirements; however, students can choose to take advantage of other Honors College programs. Each student accepted to the Engineering FIG will receive a scholarship ($1,500 for Bexar County residents and $1,000 for non-Bexar County residents).
Ideal housing for any and all interested in immersing themselves in the language and culture you studied in high school or en la casa de los abuelos. Weekly activities, including conversation hours, movie nights, guest lectures, and field trips led by bilingual faculty advisors and peer mentors will help you build lasting friendships and become professionally bilingual during your time at UTSA no matter what your major. It is strongly encouraged that you be enrolled in a Spanish course each semester you are in La Comunidad.
Guadalupe Hall is the location of the Honors Residential College (HRC), where all incoming first-year Honors College students live. Honors students benefit from living and studying with other honors students in a supportive, close-knit community designed to help you succeed. Accepted future Roadrunners are encouraged to apply for housing in Guadalupe Hall as soon as they have decided to attend UTSA. Once space in Guadalupe is filled, admission for first-year, freshmen into the Honors College will be closed.
The Well-Being LLC will introduce students to the eight dimensions of personal well-being. Students participating in this community will be required to attend 8 program offerings a semester that cover at least 4 dimensions of well-being. Through these offerings (programs, workshops, and other experiences) residents will discover what well-being means to them and how to practice these dimensions in their everyday life so that they may thrive as Roadrunners. Students will also be required to complete a fitness assessment at the beginning of Fall and end of Spring semesters.
The Leadership and Service Floor is a welcoming community for aspiring student leaders who share a commitment to making a positive difference in the world. Residents develop friendships and skill sets for life while making a positive impact on the UTSA and San Antonio communities. Students will be surrounded by peers and staff who are excited about leadership activities and service opportunities. Leadership and Volunteer Services provides dedicated support to develop residents as Roadrunners who lead, serve and inspire.